Previous Newsletters

December 2018 / Number 25

December 2017 / Number 24

September 2017 / Number 23

December 2014 / Number 22

September 2014 / Number 21

February 2014 / Number 20

August 2013 / Number 19

June 2013 / Number 18

February 2013 / Number 17

September 2012 / Number 16

June 2012 / Number 15

October 2011 / Number 14 – SPECIAL 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION

March 2005 / Number 01

December 2017 / Number 24

Sacatar operates a multidisciplinary artist residency program on the Island of Itaparica, immersing international artists in the vibrant Afro-Brazilian culture of Bahia, Brazil.

Make Intercultural Exchange Happen Through Art!

During these times of resurgent ‘nationalism,’ international engagement is more important than ever. Over the last sixteen years, Sacatar has provided opportunities for over 350 artists from more than sixty countries. Please consider a generous gift so that Sacatar can continue to foster international engagement, collaboration and respect.
Taylor Van Horne

Executive Director


Video “The Enter / Not Cafe” by multimedia artist and Sacatar Fellow Pat Oleszko (USA 2008 and 2017)

Current Sacatar Fellows

Sacatar Christmas 2017

Sacatar staff and Fellows during Christmas luncheon on Dec 23, 2017. Photo by Marcelo Thomaz.

The current group will be at Sacatar from December 11, 2017 to February 5, 2018:

  • Hadia Gana Libya Visual Arts (Invited Artist)
  • Laura Vandewynckel Belgium Animation (Sacatar Selection Process)
  • Márcio Junqueira Brazil Literature/Visual Arts (FUNCEB Competition)
  • Sandra Brewster Canada Visual Arts (Sacatar Selection Process)
  • Sérgio Rodrigo Brazil Music (Sacatar Selection Process)
  • Xavier Marrades Spain Cinema (Sacatar Selection Process)
To know more about the artists, please read the complete Media Release.

Directors By LA

Sacatar directors Taylor Van Horne and Mitch Loch, photo by Laurie Anderson.

Article on Voyage LA Magazine about Sacatar Foundation

Today we’d like to introduce you to Taylor Van Horne.

Taylor, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
All my life, I have admired artists and have socialized with artists. I myself have worked most of my life as an architect. I admire artists because they are not driven by money concerns (although they deal with them.) Artists are driven by a more intriguing passion. (…)

Read more


Res Artis Meeting Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017

Sacatar Directors Mitch Loch and Taylor Van Horne attended the Res Artis conference, “Prepare for Production: On Residencies and Artistic Production,” hosted by Danish Art Workshops (DAW) and FABRIKKEN / The Factory of Art and Design, in Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 – 27 October, 2017.

Read more

Sacatar Resident Fellows

Please explore the following links to learn more about the artists who were in residence at Sacatar from October 2 to November 27, 2017.


Foto de Marcelo Thomaz

  • Bruce Odland USA
  • Sam Auinger Germany
  • Gleb Skubachevskiy Russia
  • Joseph Cavalieri USA
  • Mauricio Adinolfi Brazil
  • Pedro Lemes Brazil
To know more about the artists, please read the complete Media Release.

Group Events

  • Conversas com Sacatar
    October 7, 2017 / at Casa do Governo
    Praça da Aclamação, 4 – Cachoeira  / BA
  • Open Studio Day
    November 24, 2017
    at Instituto Sacatar / Itaparica BA
  • Projeto ‘The Return of Our Lady’
    by Joseph Cavalieri (USA 2011 and 2017)
    Permanent stained glass window installation project for Our Lady of Mercy Church / Itaparica BA

    Read all about the project on

    Joseph Cavalieri Nossa Senhora da Piedade 3 LR

    Watch video

Sacatar Videos

Iemanjá song, Dona Cici

Video by Marija Stojnic

Installation work by 
Mauricio Adinolfi

Installation work by Gleb Skubachevskiy

Soundtrack by Bruce Odland

Recent Events with Past Sacatar Fellows

Past Sacatar Fellows are invited to share news of their activities by sending informations to


Eduardo Kac (Brazil / USA 2002)

Based on a project developed by Eduardo Kac, the French astronaut Thomas Pesquet created a piece, entitled ‘Téléscope Intérieur,’ while on board the International Space Station on February 18, 2017. Read more about the project

Also read about:

Stacey Steers (EUA 2006), Rodrigo Bueno (Brazil 2003), Felipe Goes (Brazil 2012), Marielson Carvalho (Brazil 2014), Luciany Aparecida (Brazil 2015), Tom Correia (Brazil 2015), Deisiane Barbosa (Brazil 2016), Candice Lin (USA 2011), J Michael Walker (USA 2011), Anaisa Franco (Brazil 2010) and many others.