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October 2011 / Number 14 – SPECIAL 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION

March 2005 / Number 01

Application Deadlines for 2005/2006

The postmarked deadline for applications for our residency program at the Fundação Sacatar in Brazil this year is April 11, 2005. Due to the high volume of applications anticipated, late and incomplete applications will not be evaluated. The application process is open to individuals and small groups in all creative fields and from all countries. You can find complete information and the download of the application form at our site These applications should be sent to our office in the United States: Sacatar Foundation / P.O. Box 2612 / Pasadena / CA 91102-2612 / EUAWe continue to offer two bursaries each year through the UNESCO/Aschberg program. This year, the scholarships are restricted to artists from Africa, Asia or the Pacific. One bursary will be awarded in visual arts and the other in theater/performance/puppetry. The deadline for the UNESCO/Aschberg bursaries will be April 30, 2005. Full details are available at These applications should be sent directly to our headquarters in Brazil: Fundação Sacatar / Rua da Alegria 10 / Itaparica / BA 44460 / BRASILThere are many other opportunities available around the world through the UNESCO/Aschberg bursary program, each with its own restrictions. It’s worth checking out!

Our Last Group of Fellows

We fondly call the resident artists here Fellows. Our last group of Fellows spent three months, from the beginning of November 2004 until the end of January 2005. As usual, we had five artists:

Dilara Begum (Jolly) | Visual Artist | Bangladesh
Imran Hussein (Piplu) | Visual Artist  | Bangladesh
Margot Leibman | Visual Artist | EUA
Maureen Fleming | Dancer | EUA
Muthukrishnan Ramalingam (Ram) | Visual Artist | Índia

The results of their work were seen at the IV International Sacatar Exhibition at the Library and Cultural Center Juracy Magalhães in Itaparica, Bahia, Brazil, with the opening held on January 25. Jolly exhibited four large anti-war canvases; Ram, who is deaf, showed about twenty of the many canvases he painted of his impressions of Bahia, contrasting the social mores of Brazil with those of his native India: lots of languorous women in saris next to voluptuous women in tiny bikinis. Margot shared the work she did during workshops with the children of the Oficina de Arte and at the Cultural Center Prole de Taparica, both located here on the island of Itaparica. Piplu also worked with and for the children. He exhibited his costumes, flying monsters, doll fruits and other delights. Maureen presented her choreographies derived from bhuto. The director of the library is a conservative fundamentalist evangelical Christian, but she praised the beauty of Maureen’s dance, even though Maureen ‘wore’ nothing more than the black sand she had taken from the beach in front of Sacatar.

Maureen presented other choreographies at the IV Performance Panel at the School of Dance at the Federal University of Salvador, Bahia. As a result of her residency, Maureen has been invited to return at the end of 2005 to present her work again at the Mercado Cultural, a vast theater and dance festival held annually in December in Salvador.

Sacatar is growing…

Starting the second week of February, we began construction on several new buildings, which we hope to finish in the coming months, including a new administration building, a larger workshop and two open-air visual arts studios. Future plans include a studio for a writer, one for a musician/composer and a studio for dance and theater. All the studios will be built around the existing coconut grove next to the big house.We will not host artists during construction.

International Exchanges

This year the Fundação Sacatar undertakes its first residential exchanges with other international programs: the Taipei Artists Village e The South Project de Melbourne, Austrália In both cases, Sacatar will receive an artist nominated by the partner institute, which in exchange will host a Brazilian artist for two months.The Taipei Artist Village awarded a residency to Iêda Oliveira, the first woman from Bahia to exhibit at the São Paulo Bienale, in 2004. Iêda’s residency will take place in July / August 2005. The Taiwanese artist has not yet been selected but he or she is scheduled to come to Brazil at the end of 2005 or the beginning of 2006. In both cases, the artist will receive airfare, logistical support and room and board.The purpose of The South Project is to support intercultural exchanges across the southern hemisphere. An Australian artist will come to Sacatar at the end of this year or the beginning of the next. A Brazilian artists will spend two months in Melbourne later in 2006. Applications for the pre-selection of Brazilian artists are open at the Fundação Sacatar. Interested Brazilians can contact us at We will also nominate Brazilians from among those who apply to our regular residency program in Itaparica, Bahia.We hope to establish other international residency exchanges and we are open to discuss opportunities with other institutions that can provide, as we do, airfare, room and board and logistical support.This marks the end of our fourth season. We have received over seventy artists from nearly thirty countries. Many of our former Fellows have returned on their own to experience more of the magic of Bahia. We are very grateful for all that we have managed to achieve in this short time and happy to have the opportunity to share Bahia with artists from around the world.

Until later, with more news…