Tendai Huchu

Tendai Huchu
I was to begin on a new novel. I didn’t just accomplish my goals, I exceeded them because my work took off in a completely  different direction. There’s an energy here, a vibe that you can feed off. Sacatar is a magical place. Let me give you an example. Having written for ten years or so, I only had two short stories published in that period. The two short stories I did in my first three weeks at Sacatar have been sold!
© 2013, Photo by Augusto Albuquerque

I also realized I was going in the wrong direction with my novel and now have an extensive plan for the next one, which I hope will be better. It’s hard to express what this place does to you. The time and space we were given, the staff, everything about Sacatar frees your mind so it can focus on nothing but art, while you’re here.

Tendai Huchu showing his work during his Open Studio Day © 2013, Alex Esquivel

Tendai Huchu showing his work during his Open Studio Day © 2013, Alex Esquivel

The architecture and the environment were awesome, but what really makes Bahia is its people, their warmth and attitude. I can’t count how many times I was hugged here, it’s a really huggy place, great for the endorphins. I got a gift from Ogun at the Candomble (Never received a gift from a God in my entire life). There is a spirit here which you can’t quantify. The people, the people, the people.

Zimbabwe > Scotland
May-June 2013

with the generous support of Africa Centre