Meet those who make Sacatar's work possible.

Instituto Sacatar’s primary supporter is the Sacatar Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in California, USA.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Sacatar Foundation Board for its unwavering support and guidance over the years. The Foundation’s support has been instrumental in establishing Instituto Sacatar as the longest continuously-operating artist residency in Brazil and as an international reference for what an artist residency can be.

The Sacatar Foundation supports the UNESCO Convention for the Protection and Promotion of Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

“Artistic freedom entails human rights recognized and protected under international law, including the rights to create without censorship or intimidation; to have artistic work supported, distributed and remunerated; to freedom of movement; to freedom of association; and to the protection of social and economic rights. It is the freedom to image, create and distribute diverse cultural expressions free of governmental censorship, political interference or the pressure of non-state actors. It includes the right of all citizens to have access to these works and it is essential for the wellbeing of societies.”


Our Annual Report covers our past year's activities and budget, and our vision for the future!

The Year That's Passed and Much to Come

The 2024 Annual Report will be published in March. Meanwhile, we encourage readers to peruse our 2023 Annual Report to learn about artists’ experiences at Sacatar, our events, partnerships, budget and more!

The Annual Report is available for download as a PDF and as an online reader. Individual and organizational supporters are gratefully acknowledged in each Annual Report.


The current members of the Sacatar Foundation Board are:

Taylor Van Horne

Architect and Co-Founder
France and Brazil

Mitch Loch

Independent Filmmaker and Co-Founder
France and Brazil

Maria Tuerlings

Founder, TransArtists
The Netherlands

Cécile Pavageau


Waleska Santiago

Filmmaker and Journalist
Brazil and USA

Isabelle Lutterodt

Museum Core Renewal Director, Skirball Cultural Center

Create a Legacy of Support for Sacatar!

Supporting the activities and programs of the Sacatar Foundation through a planned gift is a wonderful way to create a legacy.

Different planned giving methods offer advantages and features that should be considered carefully as you make decisions about how to support Sacatar and its programs AND also meet your estate planning needs.

These decisions should be made only after consulting family members and trusted advisors.

Sacatar’s staff is available to offer advice and direction in preparing a planned gift that meets the mutual needs of both you as the donor and Sacatar as an organization. To answer any questions related to gifts of support, please contact .

Thank you!