Our mission is to support artists and creative individuals in tackling the world’s contemporary challenges. By providing time, space, and community in an immersive environment of cultural exchange, we foster experimentation over finished outcomes. We see the residency as a place of beginnings, where new ideas, collaborations, projects, and outlooks emerge. Sacatar welcomes — free of charge — creatives of all ages, backgrounds, disciplines, and nationalities. We believe that by bringing artists together in Bahia, we help spark new possibilities for the future.


With support from the Sacatar Foundation, Instituto Sacatar hosts artists for two-month residencies.

Creative individuals across all disciplines may apply for eight-week residency fellowships at Sacatar’s beachside estate on the island of Itaparica. These fellowships provide artists with open-ended time and space to develop their work while drawing inspiration from the rich history, art, and culture of Bahia, Brazil. Selected through a competitive process open to all, each Sacatar Fellow receives a private bedroom with an attached bath, a separate studio suited to their discipline, laundry and meal service, and logistical support throughout their stay. Sacatar hosts up to eight artists at a time in five annual sessions, welcoming between 35 and 40 artists per year.

The artists’ experiences at Sacatar reverberate around the world.

We assist artists who wish to engage with the vibrant local culture in any way that suits them. This can be as limited as cultural research, or it can be direct community engagement in a short-term or extensive manner. Those who do engage with local individuals and community organizations often have life-changing experiences that alter their practice. They leave Bahia empowered by the examples of the local culture; and the conversations and collaborations that begin in Bahia make their way across oceans and continents to inspire distant audiences.


Sacatar: Transforming Lives, Promoting a Global Vision

Photo by Laurie Anderson

History of the
Instituto Sacatar

In 1998 Sacatar co-founders Mitch Loch and Taylor Van Horne conceived of establishing an artist residency program in Sacatar Canyon, high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Mitch and Taylor soon discovered that there were already over 100 residency programs across the United States – many of them located in equally extraordinary and inspiring locations – but that no formally structured residency programs were yet operating in South America. Mitch, an American media artist, teacher, and consultant, had extensive experience at artist residency programs and cross-cultural organizations around the world. Taylor, an American architect, had many years of experience living and working in Bahia and a deep connection to its culture and people. Taylor admired the resistant, fecund culture of Bahia, which fearlessly adopts global influences and fluidly reinterprets them through its own cultural expressions. He felt that Bahia had much to teach the rest of the world in this regard. Maintaining the name ‘Sacatar’ in homage to the organization’s Sierra Nevada beginnings. Mitch and Taylor decided to collaborate on the establishment of a residency program in Bahia. They believed that Sacatar would add greatly to the global community of artist residency programs and create unique opportunities for increased intercultural understanding through creative practice for artists from around the world.

Starting in 1999, they sought a location that was within easy access to Salvador, Bahia, but outside the hubbub of the city of three million. Their first inclination was to find a property on the Island of Itaparica across the Bay of All Saints from the city of Salvador. While they also looked elsewhere in the metropolitan area of Salvador, it was on the Island of Itaparica that they found the perfect estate for the arts residency program they envisioned.

In 2000, Mitch and Taylor created the Sacatar Foundation, a California 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, with the explicit goal of establishing and funding the activities of the residency fellowship program in Brazil. They founded the Fundação Instituto Sacatar, a Brazilian nonprofit, in 2001. Sacatar hosted its first artists in September of that same year. Sacatar offers residency fellowships to creative individuals from countries around the world and has changed the lives of many of these artists and the communities in which they work.

of the Property

In 1950, a wealthy social reformer named Henriqueta Catharino built the main house as a vacation home and spiritual retreat for the Instituto Feminino, a Catholic girls’ school she had founded in Salvador years before. The Institute was a pioneering school, the first to prepare local girls for professional careers. The life-size statue of Santa Therezinha de Lysieux brought by the Instituto Feminino still reigns over the central courtyard.

In the 1980s, an American painter bought the property from the Instituto Feminino, and for many years ran it as a small exclusive hotel.

In 2000 the Institute Sacatar purchased the property, and the first Fellows arrived in September 2001. In 2002, Sacatar built a support building with a laundry room, pantry, a staff kitchen and employee bathrooms. In 2005 five small buildings were added, clustered around the coconut grove facing the ocean. These included an administration building, a wood-working shop, two studios with internal gardens and a raised studio with panoramic ocean views. In 2010, the dance and music studios were added. During the covid lockdown in 2020-21, Sacatar built four additional studios, and renovated a century-old house on site into four additional bedroom suites.

International travel is intrinsic to our purpose and mission. To offset the CO2 output of our activities, we planted over one hundred trees in 2019 to replicate a fragment of the original Atlantic Forest, and in 2022, we installed a solar array that generates most of the electricity consumed by the Institute.

The Year That's Passed and Much to Come

We encourage readers to peruse our Year 2023 Annual Report to learn about the variety of experiences that have impacted the careers of Sacatar Fellows.


Meet the 2025 Instituto Sacatar Board Members

Taylor Van Home

Architect and Co-Founder
France and Brazil

Mitch Loch

Independent Filmmaker and Co-Founder
France and Brazil

Graciela Selaimen

Executive Director, Instituto Toriba

Isadora Flores

Cultural Manager and Teacher

Ana Rocha

Curator, Researcher
and Project Manager

Mark Greenfield

Visual Artist

Roberto Conduru

Art Historian, Professor, and Curator

Sylvia Arthur

Writer and Founder of LOATAD
UK and Ghana


Felix Toro, Executive Director

Augusto Albuquerque, Program Manager

Dete Vieira, Meals

Lavínia Santos, Cleaning / Housekeeping

Raimundo da Silva and Rodrigo Benitez, Maintenance

Anderson Gomes, Antônio Barbosa, Reginaldo Roque and Francisco Galvão, Security Team

Marcelo Thomaz, Communication & Outreach