An exchange of artists across Brazil connecting regions outside the country´s major artistic and cultural axes.
Brazil is a country of continental dimensions in which common characteristics permit its citizens to maintain a sense of national identity. Nonetheless, Brazilians often fail to recognize the great cultural diversity within its borders. Historical, political and geographic processes have naturally shaped the national panorama, ecologically, scientifically and economically as well as artistically, as evidenced in the contemporary arts. The major cities of Brazil, linked almost viscerally to similar international cities, ride the same waves as the foreign capitals do, and almost at the same time, due to the agility acquired through their vigorous economies. Meanwhile other regions of
the country proceed at their own pace, looking to move along the contemporary path, albeit with a different and less frantic rhythm. However, the regions more distant from the big cities have not stopped in time. Artist residencies in these regions have contributed enormously to open windows that permit people of different backgrounds and origins to live cultural experiences at that different pace, which can be so meaningful and rich that artists may shift the direction of their practice and even the direction of their lives.