Many people, especially those who don’t know what an artistic residency is, ask what institutions like Sacatar are for. Among the many technical, operational and academic answers I could give, I would not hesitate to highlight: -To change lives!
Yes, changing lives. Although this is not one of the formal objectives of the Instituto Sacatar, in practice, we witness this behavioral phenomenon on a daily basis, not only in the lives of the contemplated artists, but in the lives of the many who become involved with Sacatar and who help make things happen.
I can speak from my personal perspective as someone who, seventeen years ago, through a professional invitation, had the courage to change plans and to leave a career as a lawyer in the third largest city in the country in order to manage a program, beginning its third season, in the idyllic city of Itaparica. Yes, the acceptance of this nvitation has drastically changed my trajectory, but also my way of seeing the world, which I confess has become more humanized and enriched, thanks to the many opportunities experienced over the years.
This change is not limited to those who work here, but t o the man y who pas s through here, even as visitors.
As for the residents, the results are varied: from the creative impact on their careers, which is to be expected in programs of this nature, to even Photo by Raimundo Coelho existential transformations that we have witnessed in these years of uninterrupted activities. Changes in artistic activities are no longer new. Passions (inside and outside the walls) are not new either. In fact, regarding assions, we have witnessed many relationships (some culminating in marriage) but also other passions that develop due to the nature and culture of this land. Sacatar is not just anywhere.
The founders chose Itaparica, in Bahia, with care and affection, to host their dream.
Those who have passed through Sacatar know that one does not live with impunity in Itaparica. This place influences us under the strength of its nature, its culture and its spirituality, and leaves marks on our souls!
I know that many of the hundreds of resident artists who passed through here still take a little bit of Bahia with them in their hearts and in their works, but they have also left art works, new perspectives and examples for our community. It is this constant exchange that so enriches the experience of being a resident of Sacatar.
And in this way, nineteen years have passed, years of effort and a belief in human beings and the power of art to transform the world into a better place. I am grateful for the generosity of this program. I wish it a long life so that it may continue to transform lives into dreams!
Augusto Albuquerque
Administrative Manager
Instituto Sacatar
(Extract from the 2019 Sacatar Annual Report)
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