In 2017, thirty artists from sixteen countries received Fellowships to the Instituto Sacatar. Twenty artists were awarded Fellowships through our Open Call, when we valuate
applications from artists of all nationalities and disciplines. Through institutional partnerships, we offered additional Fellowships with restrictions by discipline and/or ationality:
- Africa Centre, a partner since 2010, consistently nominates artists of all disciplines from the African continent. In 2017 we hosted Kato Change, a musician and omposer fromKenya.
- Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art nominated three artists from among whom we selected Gleb Skubachevskiy, a multi-media artist and our first artist from ussia.
- Centro Universitário Belas Artes in São Paulo, Brazil, partnered to provide a Fellowship specifically for a Brazilian artist working in the area of performance, a discipline for which financial support is often difficult. Renan Marcondes was awarded the Fellowship during SP-Arte, a commercial art fair in São Paulo.
- Fundação Cultural do Estado da Bahia, the Cultural Affairs Department of the State of Bahia, collaborated with us for the fourth consecutive year to identify Portuguese language writers living in Bahia. Prior to this partnership we received very few applications from Portuguese language writers, which as a class remain unaware of the opportunities that residency programs provide. The writers who have come through this program now enthusiastically spread the word about residency opportunities to other writers.
In addition, we invited three artists of exceptional merit, one of whom came via the following targeted outreach: As an American nonprofit operating overseas, the US government cannot restrict whom we invite to our program in Brazil, so in defiance of the Trump administration we made a concerted effort to offer Fellowships to artists from the countries Trump wishes to block or has blocked from entering the United States. Trump’s list has had its capricious additions and deletions, but when we began the search in early 2017, Trump’s ‘muslim ban’ forbade citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Through targeted outreach to these specific countries, we invited Hadia Gana, our first artist from Libya. She came to Sacatar in December 2017. We have also invited our first artist from Sudan, the filmmaker Ahmad Mahmoud, whom we will host in April 2018.
We also continue to make Fellowships available to former Sacatar Fellows who often return with compelling new projects. We hosted three returning Fellows in 2017. Joseph Cavalieri (USA, 2011) returned with a beautiful proposal to install a stained glass window in the Church of Our Lady of Mercy. Thieves had stolen the image of the patron saint from the church six years ago. The statue has not been recovered, but Our Lady has returned to Itaparica, in the form of the stained glass
window Joseph fabricated and installed during his second residency.
(Extract from the 2017 Sacatar Annual Report)
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